Epic I. je první komplexní fitness program od Caroline Girvan. Trvá 10 týdnů a čítá 50 tréninkových videí. Na stránkách Caroline najdete e-book k programu, ve kterém najdete recepty, rady a tipy nejen do jídelníčku, ale také do cvičení. Můžete si také vytisknout tréninkový plán, který je součástí e-booku.
Níže je rychlý přehled tréninků v programu. Pokud je u názvu ✘, znamená to, že jsem si trénink již odcvičila =) Playlist ke všem tréninkům najdete na tomto odkaze na YouTube.
the EPIC PROGRAMME (September - November, 2020)
✘ DAY 1 of EPIC | Bodyweight & Dumbbell Lower Body Workout
✘ DAY 2 of EPIC | Bodyweight & Dumbbell Upper Body Workout
✘ DAY 3 of EPIC | Bodyweight Core & Abs Workout
✘ DAY 4 of EPIC | 1 Hour Dumbbell Full Body Workout Core Focus
✘ Day 5 of EPIC | HIIT Full Body Workout No Equipment
✘ DAY 6 of EPIC | Dumbbell Arms and Abs Workout 40 Minute
✘ DAY 7 of EPIC | Dumbbell Lower Body Workout - 40 Min Leg Day
✘ Day 8 of EPIC | Dumbbell Upper Body Workout
✘ Day 9 of EPIC | Full Body Workout with Dumbbells | 1 hour No Repeat
✘ Day 10 of EPIC | 30 Min Full Body Burpee HIIT Workout No Repeat
✘ Day 11 of EPIC | Dumbbell Quads & Abs Workout
✘ Day 12 of EPIC | Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells
✘ Day 13 of EPIC | Hamstrings & Glute Workout - Dumbbells + Band
✘ Day 14 of EPIC | Full Body Workout at Home with Dumbbells - Superset
✘ Day 15 of EPIC | 30 Min Tabata Full Body HIIT Workout at Home
Day 16 of EPIC | 40 Min Dumbbell Back and Bicep Workout at Home
Day 17 of EPIC | Leg Workout with Dumbbells at Home - Lunges
Day 18 of EPIC | 40 Min Chest and Triceps Workout at Home
Day 19 of EPIC | Full Body Workout - 1 Hour [Dumbbell Complex]
Day 20 of EPIC | Dumbbell HIIT Workout [30 min High Intensity]
Day 21 of EPIC | Leg Workout at Home [Dumbbell Complex]
Day 22 of EPIC | Dumbbell Shoulders & Core Workout [Supersets]
Day 23 of EPIC | Glutes and Abs Workout [DUMBBELL NO REPEAT]
Day 24 of EPIC | Full Body Dumbbell Workout [NO JUMPING / SUPERSET]
Day 25 of EPIC | HIIT Full Body Workout [60 EXERCISES NO REPEAT]
Day 26 of EPIC | Dumbbell Full Body Strength Workout [COMPLEXES]
Day 27 of EPIC | Arms & Abs Workout [DUMBBELLS + BODYWEIGHT]
Day 28 of EPIC | Glutes, Hamstrings & Back Workout [POSTERIOR CHAIN]
Day 29 of EPIC | ISOMETRIC & DYNAMIC Dumbbell Full Body Workout
Day 30 of EPIC | Intense No Jumping EMOM Full Body HIIT Workout
Day 31 of EPIC | 45 Min Dumbbell Abs & Glute Workout at Home
Day 32 of EPIC | Obliques & Shoulder Workout with Dumbbells
Day 33 of EPIC | Dumbbell LEGS + BICEP Workout
Day 34 of EPIC | 1 Hour FULL BODY WORKOUT with Dumbbells & Bodyweight
Day 35 of EPIC | Tabata Style HIIT Workout [NO EQUIPMENT]
Day 36 of EPIC | BACK WORKOUT / BICEP WORKOUT with Dumbbells
Day 37 of EPIC | Dumbbell Lower Body Workout [BULGARIAN LUNGES]
Day 38 of EPIC | KILLER UPPER BODY WORKOUT [Dumbbells & Bodyweight]
Day 39 of EPIC | NO JUMPING Full Body Workout with Dumbbells | Trisets
Day 40 of EPIC | 30 Min BURNNNNNN HIIT WORKOUT with Dumbbells [NO JUMPING]
Day 41 of EPIC | Hamstring and Glute Isolation Workout [HIP THRUSTS at Home]
Day 42 of EPIC | Dumbbell CAPPED Shoulders & Core Strengthening Workout
Day 43 of EPIC | QUADS and LOWER ABS WORKOUT with Dumbbells
Day 44 of EPIC | PURE GRIT Full Body Dumbbell Workout - ADVANCED COMPLEX
Day 46 of EPIC | Dumbbell ABS and PUSH UPS WORKOUT [NO REPEAT]
Day 47 of EPIC | LEG DAY Workout with Dumbbells & Bodyweight [SUPERSETS]
Day 48 of EPIC | Intense Bodyweight and Dumbbell Upper Body Workout
✘ Day 49 of EPIC | Full body Strength and Stretch Workout [BODYWEIGHT ONLY - NO EQUIPMENT]
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