Victoria Justice | Don't You Forget About Me
Dara Rolincová | Habanera
East 17 | Let It Rain
East 17 | Let It All Go
Kim Wilde | You Came
Madonna | Masterpiece
Přečetla jsem:
Rozbitá | Cathy Glass
V šedých tónech | Ruta Sepetys
Zůstaň | Allie Larkin
Klíč (Sancti, #2) | Simon Toyne
Viděla jsem:
* * *
…and I’m jealous of every girl who came before me.
The girls you knew, the girls you kissed,
before you had even heard my name.
I wish the days were longer
so i’d have more time to do nothing.
Ja mám aktuálne 4 týždne do terminu a pribrala som doteraz presne tolko isto kil. Som zvedavá, kolko to bude ešte za ten mesiac. Strie zatial tiež nemám, no uvidime, či sa ešte neobjavia, tajne dufam, že nie.